Why You Should Hire an Insured, Licensed, and Bonded Contractor

Your contractor is your business partner, and their work on your building will have a serious impact for many years.
Whether you are shopping for firestop installation services, concrete cutting, and other specialty services, picking the right contractor is very important. Your contractor is your business partner, and their work on your building will have a serious impact for many years. Bad results have the potential to affect your business in a negative fashion and even present safety hazards day down the line. Licensing is quite important, and in some instances, working as a contractor without a license can lead to dire consequences. Picking an appropriately qualified, licensed, and a bonded contractor is vital for any project, especially if you do require firestopping or concrete-cutting services. Read on to learn so much more!
Why is Picking a Bonded Contractor Such a Necessity?
In addition to having the expert opinion and resources required to complete your project well, the contractor that you decide to work with should also be thoroughly and appropriately bonded. Bonded contractors operate with one or various kinds of bonds in place, which basically acts as protection for subcontractors and clients. Contractor license bonds, surety bonds, and fidelity bonds are just a few of the resources that bonded contractors could use. each bond has a unique term, but working with bonded contractors typically gives subcontractors, clients, and suppliers much greater peace of mind.
The Contractor Should Be Licensed as Well
Bonds are just one kind of protection and assurance clients should look out for. Contractors, usually those involved with firestop, should also be licensed. In a few jurisdictions, it is illegal to offer contracting services without contracting licenses. This is the case in Virginia, where the failure to hold a contractor’s license while performing contracting work is considered a serious criminal offense. Working with a bonded and licensed contractor is the best choice, even in areas that don’t require a permit.
Difference Between a Bonded and Insured Contractor
Most people are confused by the differences between bonded and insured contractors. Simply put, bonds are like a kind of supplement to a contractor’s insurance. Insurance will cover a lot of possible situations and complications that could arise during certain projects, but bonds usually take coverage a step much further. Working with insured contractors that are also bonded will ensure much better protection in case something goes wrong during construction. Picking an insured, licensed, and bonded contractor is the best way for you to feel at ease while also getting great results and being protected in case complications occur.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.