FM4991 and Its Impact on the Firestop Process

You’ve probably seen the terms “FM4991 approved” and “UL Qualified” while researching possible firestop contractors for your construction job, but what do these terms mean?
If you’re a contractor, facilities engineer, or building owner, you have a lot of work to get done to ensure the structure you are working on is truly safe. Finding the right qualified construction workers is essential, especially for work involving firestop. You’ve probably seen the terms “FM4991 approved” and “UL Qualified” while researching possible firestop contractors for your construction job, but what exactly do these terms mean? These terms represent the qualification and accreditation programs for all firestop professionals. Picking a UL-Qualified and FM4991 Approved contractor is a nice way to ensure high-quality results for any project you’re working on. Read on to learn how FM4991 impacts the firestop process!
FM4991 and Its Relation to The Firestop Contractors Association
FM4991 is a set of quality standards that the Firestop Contractors International Association has developed in conjunction with FM Approvals. This approval standard is a detailed set of quality standards following the ISO 9000 certifications designed to ensure approved contractors install optimal life-safety and fire-safety systems in your building. Contractors can achieve approval through a unique accreditation program that includes a quality system review, process analyses, and job site audits. Since its inception, FM4991 has become a popular industry standard that different architectural engineers and firms require for each project.
UL Qualified Firestop Contracting Programs
You might have seen the “UL” logo on a few products that you use each day. UL operates the UL Qualified Firestop Contractor program, which is made to help contractors demonstrate, maintain, and assess their abilities to follow the best practices and effectively install a few firestop systems. Contractors must pass a couple of assessments and audits to help gain a UL qualification.
What Makes UL Qualified and FM4991 Approved Contractors So Crucial
While the FM4991 approval standard and the UL-qualified firestop contractor programs are different, they also serve similar functions. Firestop contractors who are UL qualified and FM4991 approved are able to show they are always dedicated to upholding quality control standards above the norm. Periodic reassessments and auditing push these professionals by redoubling their commitment to quality and continuously evaluating processes for real improvement. While decision-makers look for firestop contractors they’re able to count on, seeing the words “FM4991 and UL qualified” should provide a level of comfort, knowing that your firestop contractor has been evaluated thoroughly by outside third parties and also been given a stamp of approval.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.