Common Firestop Installation Issues That are Entirely Avoidable

There are a couple of common but entirely preventable firestop installation problems that we at G&M Services see in commercial buildings.
As wonderful as firestop is, it is just one of the few commercial building installation jobs that does not require a long list of specific qualifications. This means that it can be installed through plumbing, electrical, drywall, and mechanical contractors. However, firestop installations are thoroughly inspected to ensure they’re up to code, so the installation must be done correctly in your commercial building. If not, it will be an expensive mistake you will regret. There are a couple of common but entirely preventable firestop installation problems that we at G&M Services see in commercial buildings. Read on to learn how to prevent them and why you should pick G&M Services for a firestop installation!
Different Unlisted Firestop Products
Usually, firestop materials are fully tested in a complete system designed by the product manufacturer, and you can check out test labs to see if they are approved. If you use an unlisted firestop material in the system you are trying to install, you will likely fail the inspection. Whenever installing firestop systems, the material has to be included in the listed system you are using for that penetration or void, otherwise this can greatly impact the integrity and fire-rating of your wall.
Incorrect Depth During Installation
According to test standards, firestop has to be installed at a sufficient enough depth within the material. A joint of void has to be firestopped with the correct depth since this helps protect the assembly. If there isn’t sufficient depth, whether due to inexperience or in an attempt to help cut costs, an inspector will notice, and you will then fail the inspection. This also puts the lives of the people in the immediate area of that void at risk should there ever be a fire. We at G&M Services will make sure the firestop is always installed at an appropriate depth.
Improper Use of Materials
Materials are developed with firestop in mind. Contractors should be using these materials that are designed for this application, as a few contractors might need to be fully aware that specific materials are only approved for certain types of applications. For example, you should not use metal pipe firestop materials with plastic pipes since they were not designed, approved, or tested for that application.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.