6 Things to Think About During Firestop Installation

When your facility was built, it was designed to have fire barriers that would protect it in the event that a fire broke out. Here are six things to think about if you’re planning FireStop installation in your facility.
When your facility was built, it was designed to have fire barriers that would protect it if a fire broke out. But over the years, fixtures are sometimes moved, or new wires are run, creating penetrations in the fire barrier. Whenever there is a penetration into the barrier, it has to be treated with proper firestopping methods. If it isn’t, a fire could spread throughout your facility because the fire barrier is no longer up to code. Here are six things to consider if you’re planning firestop installation in your facility.
Make Sure Your Facility Meets Code
Building codes are in place to maintain safety and save lives, so it is important that you know the building codes that relate to your facility. Knowing what they are is the first step to staying in compliance, and compliance keeps your employees safe. If you’re not sure about your building’s codes, or if you are out of compliance or not, we can help you figure it all out.
Plan to Address Open Penetrations
If you don’t have a standing plan for addressing penetrations as they occur, now is a good time to make one. Maintenance happens, so it’s good to have the tools and ability (or a specialist you trust) to install firestopping when it’s needed instead of letting it go.
Research Your Firestop Contractor
If you don’t already have someone who can install firestopping, consider hiring a specialist. But don’t go with the first name you see, or the cheapest only to save money. Do your research and find a contractor in your area who is knowledgeable, with a proven track record of compliance and safety.
Never Mix Manufacturer Products
Whether you’re doing it in-house or hiring a specialist, it is important to know what FireStop manufacturer you’ve used in the past. Different Firestop manufacturers have different Firestop UL systems, and if they are combined, it can cause your fire barriers to be non-compliant.
Keep Proof of Maintenance
Thorough documentation, including before and after pictures, will be required if you undergo an AHJ survey. Make sure that you keep clear records of the work you do, or that you get that documentation from your contractor.
Get UL Documentation From Your Contractor
Make sure that any documentation you get from your contractor includes a listing of which UL system was used on each FireStop installation. During a survey, you could face the consequences if you don’t have this documentation, even if the correct UL system was used.
FireStop Installation from G&M Services
At G&M Services we’re proud to champion safer, healthier workplaces and can help you develop positive safety practices in your business. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meeting to ensure that all involved are aware of how to handle equipment and potential situations that could occur during a project.
G&M Services also offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning and FireStop. To get started, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.