Safety Measures All Concrete Workers Should Take
Working with concrete is a dangerous vocation. That’s why there are so many safety precautions put in place on every construction site. It doesn’t matter if it is for roadwork, putting up a new building, or tearing down an old one that has outlived its usefulness. All concrete workers deserve to be kept safe, whether they are out

All concrete workers deserve to be kept safe, whether they are out on the job site, back in the home office, or are just interested stakeholders taking a tour of the zone they are responsible for.
on the job site, back in the home office, or are just interested stakeholders taking a tour of the zone they are responsible for.
Inspection of Work Areas
Every work area needs to be properly inspected. This is especially important when it comes to scaffolds, ladders, and other elevated platforms or work areas. Double-check with supervisors to verify that scaffolding has been inspected and is safe to climb. Ladders also need to be checked on as well. If they are wobbly, then they are not stable enough to support anyone who needs to ascend them. Both the upper and lower ends of the ladder must be fastened, secured, or stabilized by other concrete workers standing nearby.
Vigilance Around Electrical Equipment
Constant vigilance on any job site, no matter its size, is also important. Particular care should be exercised around electrical equipment and potential electrical hazards. Ensure that there are no signs of wear and tear. Protect cables and make sure that metal casings are grounded. You will also need to ensure that the power supply for such equipment is given an earth leakage circuit breaker. Be sure to keep everything away from water.
Fence Maintenance and Fire Prevention
Even if it is only temporary, fencing on a construction site can make a huge difference. Broken or damaged fences should be reported on and then promptly repaired, especially if they are around a void or sinkhole. Fire protection measures are also of the utmost importance. Open flames need to be kept under control. All concrete workers under your supervision should also know where to find emergency exits and how to access them; easy access to fire extinguishers is also vital.
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is extremely important. Some examples include earplugs, earmuffs, gloves, vests, and steel-toed boots. Helmets, protective clothing, eye protection, and fall harnesses are also necessities that cannot and should not be overlooked.
First Aid Supplies for All Workers
Don’t forget about first aid kits, either. These should be supplied to all concrete workers or kept in easily accessible locations spread throughout the work site.
Get Your Concrete For Your Construction Site with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved are aware of how to handle equipment and potential situations that could occur during a project.
G&M Services offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.