How Changing Temperatures Will Impact Construction Projects and Buildings
Homeowners have to prepare themselves for the issues and hazards that a fall or winter’s cold weather brings. Protecting homes and ensuring safety while walking, driving, and living in the cold weather requires plenty of forethought. Still, managing seasonal changes for big structures like high-rise buildings or skyscrapers can be very challenging. Building owners, stakeholders, and contractors have to face issues as the temperatures change. This week, we will go over a few of the common complications that property owners face once temperatures start to fall. Read on to learn more!
Cold and Heat Exposure Wreck Havoc on Finished Structures
Keeping your sidewalks clear and winterizing your plumbing systems are not the only tasks for a property owner on their to-do list. Freezing temperatures and serious storms could cause power failure, which can snowball into a lack of heating in a building, frozen pipes, and water damage because of floods. During the summer, property owners might struggle to manage the growth of mold and other issues because of the increased humidity inside. Effective weather barriers and well-informed designs are important, and property owners and employees should address possible damages as soon as they can to prevent the spread. Backup power sources, lousy insulation, and routine plumbing maintenance could help property owners minimize a few of the risks of serious property damage in the fall and winter.
Colder Weather Presents Serious Challenges for Construction Contractors
Construction workers in milder climates have it easy: professionals in the mid-Atlantic states have to consider how humidity and temperature fluctuations could impact building materials and safety systems. Asphalt, concrete, and other materials might not perform well or cure properly outside of specific temperature and humidity parameters. Construction experts have to consider these variables when planning their projects that require temperature-sensitive materials. Worker safety is crucial. Plastic, metal, and other building materials experience stress in all kinds of situations, but construction contractors feel the stress, too. Cold stress or heat stroke could present serious health risks for workers. Construction professionals could keep themselves and their team safe in the cold by bundling up, not touching metal with their bare skin, consuming hot liquid, and scheduling winter work during warmer parts of the day. Likewise, scheduling summer work during the cooler parts of the day, postponing work during warmer periods of the day, keeping cool liquids on standby, and taking regular breaks can help workers all stay warm and safe in the heat.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete core-drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, Air Barriers, Firestop, and BIM Project Management and Coordination. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.