Concrete Projects: The Power of Precision

Completing concrete projects takes a lot of work. In other words, plenty of time and effort goes into making sure that concrete is cut or sawed as evenly as possible.
Completing concrete projects takes a lot of work. In other words, plenty of time and effort goes into making sure that concrete is cut or sawed as evenly as possible. None of this can be accomplished cleanly and efficiently without respecting the power of precision. Let’s learn more about it!
The Importance of Safety and Training
Without safety measures and the proper training, doing anything to concrete can be incredibly dangerous. That’s why you can trust G&M Services to provide more safety and training tips to your employees to help them stay safe on the job site. The tools and equipment that they use day in and day out are likely not for beginners, but even new workers need to learn how to use them. The training also helps make a difference if an accident involving ladders or emergency situations such as a sinkhole during concrete demolition should happen.
Now let’s look at concrete projects that involve drilling through surfaces. Concrete can be tough to crack; that’s why some of the most expensive construction projects in the world rely on it. Concrete is one of those ancient inventions that has only been improved in the centuries since its introduction – look at the lasting ruins left behind by the Greeks and Romans just for an example! When it comes to drilling, you would think that going down three inches would be simpler than three feet down. Unfortunately, this assumption is incorrect. Both projects have their own challenges and call for different techniques and tools depending on what needs to be installed in a building – power or plumbing lines, for instance.
Cutting and Sawing
Projects that involve cutting or sawing through concrete are much more complex. Wall sawing and slab sawing may sound similar, but they are actually quite different. It might turn out to be trickier than you imagine – partial cutting and sawing could be needed, and you won’t know without using ground-penetrating or wall-penetrating radar systems, also referred to as GPR, to find out what obstacles, such as rebar or solid slabs, might get in the way of you getting the project done on time and according to the deadlines established before any work got underway in the first place!
Prioritize Safety with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved are aware of how to handle equipment and potential situations that could occur during a project.
G&M Services offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.