6 Types of Rebar Typically Found in Concrete

Concrete demolition is often followed by the laying down of new concrete. Still, there could be rebar hidden underneath, so here are some of the types you could come across.
Whenever your workers are on a worksite, they need to know everything they can about the concrete they are responsible for breaking up. Concrete demolition is often followed by the laying down of new concrete. Still, there could be rebar hidden underneath, so here are some of the types you could come across.
Carbon Steel
Most of the time, your concrete workers will encounter carbon steel rebar. These are inexpensive and incredibly durable. However, there is one flaw that most people don’t realize carbon steel has: vulnerability to humidity. In extremely humid environments, the carbon steel will start to corrode. The corrosion leads to expansion, which in turn will damage the concrete surrounding it.
Stainless Steel
Although carbon steel can corrode, this isn’t a problem that stainless steel has. Stainless steel rebar resists corrosion about 1,500 times better than its carbon steel counterpart. Stainless steel is incredibly durable and flexible at the same time, but the main problem is that it is also expensive, which it makes it much rarer than any other type of steel.
Galvanized Steel
Galvanized steel rebar is also corrosion-resistant. It also resists damage better than epoxy-coated rebar. Unfortunately, although it is not as expensive as stainless steel, it is still more expensive plain carbon steel.
Applying an epoxy coating to carbon steel increases resistance to corrosion. This coating does not affect the overall strength of the carbon steel rebar since it is the same. However, epoxy coated rebar has one major problem – it’s fragile.
Manganese rebar is also known as European rebar, and although it is inexpensive, they are not well-suited for areas prone to earthquakes, and sadly, it is too fragile to support heavy loads. This means that your workers will be unlikely to find it, especially on construction sites where new buildings are going up.
Glass fiber reinforced polymer are manufactured products. However, when this material bends, it starts to lose its integrity. So if the rebar needs to be bent for any reason, then GFRP isn’t the best choice, and if your workers are tasked with doing so, it may be more difficult for them to do so. However, it’s great for wet environments because this material doesn’t rust or suffer corrosion damage at all.
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G&M Services offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and FireStop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.