When You Should Start Concrete Wall Sawing

This blog can help you figure out where to start concrete wall sawing.
Wall sawing is an important step for opening up an area on a wall for a door, window, or HVAC system. Masonry and concrete are two primary materials you may have to saw through. What should you know about how to go about wall sawing, and what are a few of the potential consequences? Read on to learn how you can figure out where to start concrete wall sawing and what you should do once you get started. G&M Services can help with this process or take it on entirely.
How to Start Concrete Wall Sawing
First, figuring out what you’ll need concrete wall sawing for is important. As mentioned earlier, creating opens for windows, doors, and other HVAC units is just one application that works for this process. Also, make sure you’re aware of this process using specific equipment, like blades made out of diamond and tracks that are used to hold the blade in place and guide it while it saws through. Concrete wall saws are otherwise known as track saws for this reason. The tracks are usually mounted on walls or inclines where a flat slab is unable to go through. Once you’re ready to start using concrete wall saws, our contractors will determine how deep you need the cuts to be. You can then cut up to thirty inches on one side of your wall and then thirty inches on the other side as well. This provides around sixty inches total. Whether the sawing calls for an angled cut or not, here is what else concrete wall sawing can do:
- Creating openings in ceilings, walls, and floors
- Achieving what is known as a chamfered edge
- Creating openings that are prepared for various fixtures to be installed
- Sawing up against a surface
As wonderful as a concrete wall swing is, it is essential to remember what could occur while it’s happening. This is why our certified team at G&M Services can take on this job.
The Main Consequences of Concrete Wall Sawing
Overcutting is a possible consequence. This happens when rounded blades are used to go around corners. However, the openings that are created could also be trimmed, and if how the cut looks while it is finished does not matter, then overcutting is not something to be worried about. One way to avoid this is by hiring our team of contractors at G&M Services since we are certified and experienced in working with concrete cutting.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete core-drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, Air Barriers, Firestop, and BIM Project Management and Coordination. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.