How Concrete Scaling Occurs on Your Buildings

What exactly is concrete scaling and how does it impact your commercial or residential buildings?
At one point or another, all concrete will start to break down. Despite its great lifespan and durability, it is in the nature of the materials. One sign that something could have gone wrong is when it starts to scale. What exactly is concrete scaling and how does it impact your commercial or residential buildings? This blog will break it down, so read on to learn more!
Air Entrainment Issues
Air entrainment is a technical way to describe how air is injected fully into workable concrete. This technique is needed for further protection against an entire freeze-thaw cycle. Even on the coolest of days, that would not sound like a problem in the summer. However, it would help if you thought beyond the current time frame for your concrete. What will it look like in a few months? Will it last long? These are answers you typically will not know. That is why maintaining and monitoring concrete is so important.
Mediocre Concrete Finishing
One other issue might arise from the finishing process. Bleed water should never get into your concrete mix. This can create a higher cement and water ratio. Although this sounds good, it can become ugly quickly. The surface will then be weak and lack the right durability. That is the exact opposite of what you want the concrete to do for your property. The concrete can’t be overworked either, and this is as bad as it sounds. This means there isn’t air content in the surface layer. It can make the concrete much more brittle and rough and prone to breaking and cracking in the hot summer heat or scaling during the brutal winter cold. One final problem has to do with how much during time the concrete had before it settled.
Not Enough Time for Concrete Curing
No matter what it is really used for, concrete needs time to cure. Without it, concrete might not be as stable or solid as you’d expect. One of the main reasons why concrete scaling could become a problem is simple: it didn’t have enough time to cure. There will be weaker surface skin, which can lead to multiple problems that are a pain to deal with during the summer and even worse in the winter. This is because the freeze-thaw cycle could exacerbate matters. Luckily, you have a few months until you have to think about this.
Revitalize Your Business with G&M Services
G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meetings to ensure that all involved know how to handle equipment and potentially risky situations during a project. We offer services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and Firestop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.