The Importance of Proper Water Usage for Concrete Core Drilling

When it comes to concrete core drilling, you will have to use some water, but that can be easier said than done.
Concrete core drilling is an incredibly versatile way to complete concrete work. However skilled your workers are, however, they might still miss some of the intricacies of this concrete cutting technique. When it comes to concrete core drilling, you will have to use some water, but that can be easier said than done. Let’s find out how much water is enough, and how much is too much.
Water Usage for Drill Bits
Concrete core drilling works better when the drill bits are made of diamonds. Diamonds are found at the top of the Mohs hardness scale, which ranks the hardest substances in existence. This makes diamonds the ideal substance for drilling through concrete.
Now, you might think that nothing is harder than diamond, but that isn’t exactly true. As it turns out, there are several synthetic substances harder than diamond. Even so, diamond is still the hardest natural substance found anywhere on the planet. The problem is that the fumes and friction caused by using diamond drills can make them overheat extremely quickly.
That’s where water usage enters the picture: water can cool down the bits before they overheat and become unusable. The dirt, dust, and other particles will eventually settle down into a blend of substances that can clear away any residual dust around the drills. This means that the drills can grind through the concrete more effectively, allowing you to finish your job on time and under budget.
Using Water Efficiently
It’s easy to think that the more water you use, the better. However, the opposite of this is true. It turns out that when you use less water, you will find the job much easier to finish. If you have ever tried adding honey to a cup of tea, think of that as a metaphor for how you will want to add water to a concrete mixture. Add water slowly until the concrete mixture turns darker – by doing this, you can make sure that the drill bits are properly cooled and will not break or malfunction due to the amount of heat and stress that they are under. Although it sounds unlikely, a mixture of concrete, dust, and water works better than plain and clean water will. With more diamond edges cutting and grinding, your concrete work will be done in no time!
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G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meeting to ensure that all involved are aware of how to handle equipment and potential situations that could occur during a project.
G&M Services offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and FireStop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.