5 Kinds of Concrete Saws

There are many different kinds of concrete saws. Depending on the job that you need to get done, every saw can serve a purpose.
There are many different kinds of concrete saws. Depending on the job that you need to get done, every saw can serve a purpose. Whether you need to rent or purchase new equipment for your crews, or you would like to know more before you start your next job, then here is more information about these concrete saws.
Chainsaws can give you unmatched precision. Because of their hydraulics, these saws have enough power to punch through the concrete and reach more than two feet deep in each cut. You can also avoid the potential issues caused by accidental over-sawing. When the job calls for installing HVAC systems in a building, or you need to take down a wall, this is your best bet. That’s because creating corners and lines won’t be a challenge with these saws.
Hand Saws
Sometimes, hand saws can get the job done as well. Concrete saws come in all shapes and sizes. These help slice through brickwork or other types of masonry. Plus, you can place beams, adding more HVAC systems, help you install roof flashing and make small cuts that a chainsaw can’t achieve.
Wire Saws
Wire saws can help you deal with large amounts of concrete all at once. Many other saws won’t be able to cope with large blocks or slabs, especially if you need precise cuts. Spindle blades might not be able to get deep enough, for one thing. When it comes to dealing with pillars, foundations, and the depths underneath the surface of the concrete, then wire saws are the tool you need.
Core Drills
Core drilling is another effective method to punch through concrete surfaces. Whether it’s one inch or up to five feet wide, the core drills are what you will need to hit your measurements accurately. Laying down utility cables and wiring can’t be done without core drills.
Wall Saws
A wall saw is a circular saw. It is mounted onto a wall and allowed to cut through the concrete with the guidance of an operator. It can cut through three feet of concrete at a time. If you need to make openings to stairs and elevators, then a wall saw is what you’re looking for; it can also make openings for windows, and help with building demolition by being able to cut at any angle, no matter which direction you need to go in for this to work.
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G&M Services is proud of our employees and the dedication they have for safety in the workplace. We reward our employees for displaying positive safety practices. We incorporate weekly and monthly discussions and meeting to ensure that all involved are aware of how to handle equipment and potential situations that could occur during a project.
G&M Services offers services in the way of concrete drilling and sawing, concrete scanning, and FireStop. To get started with us, call today at 410-787-8828 or visit our contact page. Follow the official company page today on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.